/ Report Cancellations in different period Report Cancellations in different period

Within the new requirements published by the AT, which came into effect on January 1, 2021, it has been determined that the "Period" and "Exercise" fields of a cancellation-type invoice have the same values ​​as the high rate invoice sent related and previously sent.

For this reason, a new report has been designed that allows analyzing the cancellations recorded in different periods to the registrations sent, which is accessed through the transaction /EDGE/SII_DIF_PER:

Through the initial selection screen, the search parameters to be analyzed are established, considering that at least one of the following combinations of mandatory fields must be indicated:

  1. Company Code+ Fiscal Year + Period

  2. Company Code+ Fiscal year + Document Number

  3. Company Code+ Fiscal year + date range (posting, document or tax)

After executing the report, all the documents for cancellation of the system will be listed; within the selected parameters, which have discrepancies in the period or fiscal year with the associated discharge.


Each record identifies; in the first columns of the record, the relevant data of the cancellation document that presents differences and; then the relevant data of the associated registration document.

Pressing the document numbers accesses the visualization of the financial document.

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