3.6. b+SII Dashboard
3.6. b+SII Dashboard
3.6.1. Overview
3.6.2. Login
3.6.3. Main menu SII Indicators
- Registries Processed today
- Batch processed in the current year
- Pending registries
- Expired registries
- Pending batches
- Registries to be fixed in the origin
- Expired registries Herramientas operativas
- Batches monitoring
- Registries monitoring
- CSV files
- User management
- Advanced settings
- System information
- Origins and companies management
- Archived registries
- Batch creation
- Certificate configuration Analytics- Alarms
- Batches analysis
- Registries analysis
- AEAT rejected registries analysis
- Alarms configuration
- Alarms
- Notifications
- Processed report
- Alarms inbox Management of states
3.6.5 Provincial governments
3.6.6 IGIC
3.6.7. Sale of goods on Consigna
Avvale 2024