2.2.5 Sales documents (invoice) settings
2.2.5 Sales documents (invoice) settings
Transaction /EDGE/SAFT_006
All sales and amendment documents issued by the company, including cancelled documents duly identified, must be reflected. All types of financial documents including those generated by SD's accounting should be included.
The following parameters can be configured in this table:
Invoice Status | Description |
N | Normal |
S | Self-billed |
A | Reversed document |
R | Summary documents of other documents created in other applications and generated in this application |
F | Invoiced documents |
Invoice Type | Description |
FT | Invoice |
FS | Simplified Invoice |
FR | Invoice receipt |
ND | Debit Note |
NC | Credit Note |
DA | Return of assets |
RP | Premium Receipt |
RE | Return insurance or return insurance receipt |
CS | Imputation to co-insurers |
LD | Imputation to a co-insurance company of Leadership |
RA | Reinsurance accepted |
VD | These types of documents are only allowed until 31-Dec-2012. SAF (T) -PT files issued after this date should not contain such types of invoice. |
TV | |
TD | |
AA |
Additionally, it is possible to identify if any document type comes from third parties through the Third part field.
The display in the table would be as follows:
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