SII documents reprocessing
The reprocessing of SII documents allows to select documents without an eDocument created; according to established procedures, to create the corresponding eDocument.
Depending on the origin of the document, this process can be run for FI documents or for material documents.
Independently of the selected tab, when “Only documents without eDocument” is checked, the system shows the list with all documents without an eDocument created:
From this screen, by pressing the document number (depending if it is a financial or a material document), the system will navigate into the selected document.
To generate an eDocument, click the required document and press “Reprocess”.
The system generates a message indicating that the eDocuments has been processed correctly:
When from initial selection screen the field “Automatic reprocessing” is checked, the system generates all eDocument automatically for the documents that do not have the eDoc. generated, according to the selections fields.
In order to see the log created by this process, check transaction SLG1:
This report can be launched as background job to be launched regularly. To configure this job it will be necessary to creat a variant with corresponding values and configure the job in the system. The following are details about how to do this configuration: Background job configuration for SII eDocuments reprocessing
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