b+dgtal Compliance TBAI/BATUZ Audit

b+dgtal Compliance TBAI/BATUZ Audit

The report 'b+dgtal Compliance TBAI/BATUZ Audit' (/EDGE/RP_TB_BATUZ_AUDITORY) generates reports about the use of the product according to the 'Communication class' configured at the time of the execution of the report (See: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BTE/pages/2747433018 ) and the exercises indicated.



The report is only accessible from transaction SE38. Therefore, once in this transaction, you must enter the transaction code /EDGE/RP_TB_BATUZ_AUDITORIA in the 'Program' field and press 'Execute' to access the selection screen of the report 'Audit b+dgtal Compliance TBAI/BATUZ'.



It has only the field 'Fiscal year' which admits single or range values.

Once the fiscal year (or range) for which the report needs to be generated has been indicated, click on the 'Execute' button.

A pop-up is displayed by which the action to execute the process must be confirmed in order to access the results screen.



The report is presented according to the 'Communication type' selected at the time of execution (Middleware) and the fiscal years indicated.

Additionally, each year indicated is broken down by company and each company is broken down by user, thus showing the total of 'Invoices issued' and 'Invoices received' that each user has generated.


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