Batch creation and automatic expedition
The batch creation and automatic sending use the same configuration as the cockpit, to execute it, the following report is provided: /EDGE/SII_GEN_AUTO_ENVIO. This program supports variants and it is recommended to be executed in background mode as there might be a lot of eDocuments and timeout problems when executing it online.
To execute it in background mode, there are two options. The most recommended is to generate a job with its appropriate variant, indicating the ranges for the desired selection fields and its execution in background mode.
A second option would be to directly run the report /EDGE/SII_GEN_AUTO_ENVIO from transaction SE38 or SE80 in background mode. To perform this, at the time of execution, it must be indicated, in the selection screen, the desired ranges and values to carry out the execution (this is the equivalent of the variant to be used in the job):
Subsequently the report is executed in the background:
The output device should be chosen:
Then, select execute date, for an immediately execution press the button Immediately:
Press save.
This generates a job that can be displayed in SM37:
Once the job is finished, the eDocuments will be displayed in batches created with their corresponding status after being sent to the AEAT:
The intermediate eDocuments status considered for the auto generation batches and sending are the status "To include", which will create batches and "Corrected" to form Batches modificated.
The fields on the selection screen refer to the intermediate eDocuments.
There are no BAdIs to extend the selection screen, therefore no more fields can be added. In case this requirement is needed, it would be possible to create a Z report copying from the standard and adapting it as desired.
Besides considering the intermediate eDocuments to generate batches and sending them, the batches are also considered. If there are batches with "To Send" or "New batch" status, the report will also send them.
In the job log it is possible to check if the report execution by using the job went correctly. However, to check if the batches were processed, go to transaction SLG1. The messages are stored depending on the parameterization in the table of log levels per circuit:
If the selected record is all or the table does not have a record for this circuit:
In the log of SLG1 both scenarios can be saved, when everything goes correctly and when something is wrong. This is not recommended as the size and time for saving may be large. For this is recommended to set the log level at "only errors", this way the report only saves when something goes wrong.
- To execute the report, the ZESI_ADM authorization object is required.
- The report works for multiple companies.
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