/ General Cockpit function General Cockpit function
- Refresh: Updates all Records data.
- Historical: Shows all the status that an eDocument has had.
- Indexed: Shows the compensated or referenced eDocuments for the selected Record.
- Exceptional processing: Allows to change the status of an eDocument into any other status. This function is only allow for the rol ZESI_ADM.
- Undo exceptional processing: Revert the status changed by the exceptional processing function.
- Batch appendix: Shows the XML sent to the Tax Agency and the answer received:
- Force forwarding actual XML: Allows to re-send the file to the AEAT, when a technical rejection occurs and the sending process is stopped.
- Interrupt sending XML: Avoids the system to send a batch continuously (sending of a batch is planned to do it in an automatic way by “a Job”), when it exist an error in the Middleware or in the Tax Agency service,
- Discard a batch: Removes the eDocuments included in a batch and change their status into "To be included in batch" or "Corrected”.
- Fixed a batch: Changes the status into its previous status, when a mapping error occurs.
There exist a tool bar where to set filters, organize, look for, etc., as in the standard SAP reports.
From the cockpit its allow to navigate into a financial document by pressing the document number of the Record and it is also allow to navigate into the Batch where it is included:
, multiple selections available,
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