Background job configuration for SII eDocuments reprocessing
To configure the background job is necessary to have one variant that execute the report. This report has two tabs (FI search and Logistic search), therefore each tab should have its own variant. In that way, if is needed to configure one job for both tabs, it should be configurated one job for FI Search and another one for Logistic Search (each one of them with its own variant).
FI Variant
To create a FI variant, indicate values for fields in FI Search tab:
And save the variant adjusting values and introducing variant name.
Both checks ('Only documents without eDoc' and ‘Automatic reprocessing’) should be marked, it they are not, job will not create the eDocuments.
Logistic variant (Not yet available)
To create a Logistic variant, indicate value for fields in Logistic Search tab:
And save the variant adjusting values and introducing variant name.
Both checks ('Only documents without eDoc' and ‘Automatic reprocessing’) should be marked, it they are not, job will not create the eDocuments.
In that way we will have at least two variant,s one for each search tab.
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