Alarms b+ SII - Old module
It is consider as a Alert when a risk situation exists for a financial document; the notification is the event when an alert is sent and the sending is considered as the channel created for the message.
As for example, if it is considered that a financial document is in risk when it is not being sent to Tax Agency after 3 days; an alert can be created to notify this situation through an email, workflow or any other way.
The alerts might be one of the following types:
- Alerts by status: the alert is generated when an eDocument/batch has a specific status.
- Alerts by expiration date: the alert is generated when an eDocuments reaches a certain number of days.
- Scaled up alerts: it escalates the alert into next level, when an error has not been corrected after the alert was generated (according to the alert set up).
It can be set that a notification to be grouped, this way it can be set to send one notification for all Records within a Batch instead of one notification per Record.
These alarms will be notified to users determined for them.
The alarms can be accessed from the financial document or directly from the transaction:
- From the financial document:
Through the Service object→ b+ Service → b+ SII Alarms:
- From the transaction:
Transaction: /EDGE/SII_ALARMAS- SII Alarms Monitor
A monitor of the alerts shows all eDocuments with alarms:
From the alerts monitoring it can:
- Send notifications
- Turn off / on the alerts
- Navigate to an eDocument and a batch
- Navigate to a financial document
- Display the history of the alarms
Sending notifications
It can be sent notifications manually, regardless to the defined settings, by selecting a record and pressing “send notification”.
It is also possible to send notifications automatically. To do this, it is necessary to create a job that runs the report / EDGE / SII_NEW_NOTIFICATION periodically and thus notify users of the situation on a regular basis. This report is responsible for sending notifications for all active alarms in the system.
Turn off/ on the alerts
In case an error cannot be fixed, but it is under control and it is not necessary to send notifications, the alert can be turned off to stop generating more notifications. To do this, from the alarm monitor, press the ON / OFF button as appropriate:
Navigate into an eDocument or a batch:
By pressing on an eDocument number, it enters into the cockpit:
Navigate to a financial document:
By pressing a financial document number, it enters into:
View the history of the alerts:
By pressing a “Notification/Sending” button, it can be seeing the history of the alerts:
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