b+dgtal SII Alarms - New module

b+dgtal SII Alarms - New module


To activate the new component you will have to introduce the following parameter in transaction /EDGE/SII_CU_011 - 'SII MW parametization' (table /EDGE/SII_PAR_MW):

Parameter name

Parameter value

Parameter name

Parameter value




To configure the parameterization of SII alarms, you can consult the https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAE/pages/1207730205.

Deconfigure old module

If old module was being used, it have to be deconfigured so it does not create alarms of this type anymore.

On the one hand, old alarms configuration table can be cleaned and be left empty.

What will be mandatory is to cancel all jobs configurated to send alarms and notifications. Reports /EDGE/SII_EXPIRATION_ALARMS, /EDGE/SII_EXP_ALARMS_ACER and /EDGE/SII_NEW_NOTIFICATION.

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