General TBAI monitor functionality

General TBAI monitor functionality

From the TBAI billing monitor we will find the following functionalities enabled:

  • Reprocess invoice

  • End process

  • View issued XML

  • Rectify/Modify

  • Historical Zuzendu

  • View Osatu XML

  • Delete Osatu

  • Historical Osatu

  • Variant creation



It will be necessary to select at least one record to carry out this action.


It will allow reprocessing those records that have ended with an error and restarting the flow. When executing this function, a pop-up window will appear to confirm or cancel the action.


In case of confirming the reprocessing, the system will resume the flow from the point where the first shipment was completed and will launch the call to the Foral to make the corresponding shipment.

The system will inform the completion of the process with an informative message indicating the number of reprocessed records.


It allows to finalize the process of sending the registration to the provincial treasury agency.


It allows the registration process to be completed so that they are not sent to the provincial treasury agency.

After selecting the function, an informational pop-up window will appear:


If the action is confirmed, the system will end the process and an informational message will be generated.


View issued XML

Allows you to view the XML of a record at the current time. This view of the XML may not correspond to the view of the XML that is in the attachments field since the parameterization of some field may have undergone some modification from the moment of shipment to the current one.

It is recommended once the records have been sent to always consult the XML of the attachments. In this way we will be visualizing what was actually sent to the provincial treasury agency.


A window will be displayed with the corresponding XML.



Service enabled to correct TicketBAI invoice records with rejected status and modify TicketBA invoice records that have been accepted or accepted with warnings.

TicketBAI Invoice records that have been rejected for containing errors associated with the CSV structure and TicketBAI Invoice records that have been accepted or accepted with errors that do NOT require the issuance of corrective invoices, can be sent through the Zuzendu service to be corrected (Rectified) and/or modified respectively.

For more information regarding the Zuzendu service, please go to https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BTE/pages/2828730383


Select the TicketBAI Invoice records that are eligible for correction through the Zuzendu service and click on the ‘Rectify/Modify’ button.

A pop-up window appears to confirm the action.

Once the invoice records have been sent a confirmation log appears to inform the action has been executed.

The status of the invoice records are updated based on the response received from the information system of the corresponding provincial treasury agency.

In the event that while sending the correction file the communication with the information systems fails or some other type of error occurs, the ‘Zuzendu Error’ column-field is enabled on the monitor to display an icon.

Once the communications or services are restored the invoice record must be sent again through the ‘Rectify/Modify’ button.


Historical Zuzendu


This button only contains information for those invoice records that have been previously sent to the Zuzendu service for correction through the 'Rectify/Modify' button.


If the invoice records have not been previously sent or if the attempt to do so was unsuccessful, the following pop-up window appears.

To access the history of the invoice record in relation to the Zuzendu service select the invoice record to be enquired and click on the ‘Historical Zuzendu’ button.

A pop-up window appears showing details of the different statuses the invoice record has gone through.

The information is presented and distributed in the following columns:

  • Counter - Sequential number of times the record has been sent to the Zuzendu service

  • Prev. Sta. (Previous state) and Status description in which the record was before being sent to the Zuzendu service.

  • State (New status) and Status description after the invoice record was sent to the Zuzendu service.

  • Mod. Date and Mod. Time (Date and time of modification)- Date and time in which the record was sent to the Zuzendu service for correction.

  • Zuzendu file sent - Informs the type of file that was sent to the Zuzendu service (Zuzendu rectification file or Zuzendu modification file)

  • Mod. User informs who sent the zuzendu file to the Zuzendu service.




Allows you to view the XML of the Osatu files at the current time. This XML view may not match the XML view found in the attachments field as the configuration of some field may have been modified since the time of sending until the current moment.

It is recommended to always check the XML of the attachments after sending the records. In this way, we will be viewing what was actually sent to the Osatu service.


A window will be open displaying the corresponding XML.


Allows deleting (cancelling) a previously received Osatu file.


Upon pressing the ‘Delete Osatu’ botton, a pop-up message is displayed to confirm the deletion action.


If the Osatu file is not in the correct status, a pop-message will be shown indicating that it is not possible to perform the requested action.


If the Osatu file has been received (Accepted), a pop-up message is displayed confirming the action performed.



El estado del fichero Osatu pasará a Borrado

The status of the Osatu file is updated to ‘6347 - Osatu file deleted’



The ‘Historical Osatu’ botton is only available for records that additionally contain the Osatu file with the corresponding additional data block. Any record that has not gone through this service will not show any information when clicking on the button.


Select the corresponding line item and press the ‘Historical Osatu’ botton.


Se mostrará una ventana emergente mostrando el histórico de los estados por lo que ha pasado un registro enviado a Osatu.

  • Contador - Nº secuencial de veces que se ha enviado el registro al servicio Osatu

  • Estado anterior y descripción de estado en el que estaba el registro antes de enviar a Osatu

  • Estado nuevo y descripción de estado tras enviar el registro a Osatu

  • Fecha y hora de modificación - Fecha y hora en la que es remitido el registro.

  • Usuario que realiza el envío al servicio Osatu


A pop-up window will be displayed showing the history of the states that a file submitted to the Osatu service has gone through.

  • Counter - Sequential number of times the record has been sent to the Osatu service

  • Previous status and Status description the Osatu file was in before being sent to the Osatu service.

  • New status and Status description after the Osatu file was sent to the Osatu service.

  • Date and time of modification - Date and time when Osatu file was sent.

  • User who sends the Osatu file to the Osatu service. 



Variants allow you to save data on the selection screen that are being used constantly or temporarily. This feature allows users to save time and avoid errors during continuous and repetitive data entry tasks.

The procedure for creating variants consists of the following steps:

1.- Header data

When accessing the 'b+ TBAI Monitor' enter the header-level data that will be used and saved by the variant.

Once header-level data has been enter, press the 'Save' button.


2.- Data to be saved in variant

After pressing the 'Save' button, the system navigates to the 'Variant attributes' window, where the corresponding screens are selected , as well as the name and description for the variant:

To update the items displayed on the ‘Objects for selection screen’ frame, after selecting the screen (frame 'Scrn Assignm.), click on the 'Variant Name' or 'Descript.' field and press 'Enter'."


Once the data to be stored in the variant has been entered, press the ‘Save' button to navigate back to the selection screen.


3.- Retrieval of saved variant

When exiting and re-accessing the ‘b+ TBAI Monitor', select the type of report (e.g. 'TBAI Invoices’) and press on the 'Get variant' option


Select the previously saved variant to retrieve the data that was indicated in this tab at the time of the creation of the variant.



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