Authorization objects.

Authorization objects.

For the TBAI addon there are the following authorization objects:

Authorization objects


Authorization objects



This authorization object is for annotation level processing. It can be configured by company and activity. The /EDGE/TB02 field allows the following values:

  • 2: permite procesar la anotaciĆ³n

  • 3: permite un procesamiento excepcional de la anotaciĆ³n


This authorization object establishes the permissions that the user has on the actions to be carried out in the LROE monitor. It has the /EDGE/TB01 attribute that has the following values:

  • 1: Allows view-only actions

  • 2: Allows actions to view and process annotations / lots

  • 3: Enables the buttons to display XML, process batches, delete received annotations and exceptional processing.


This authorization object establishes the permission the user has to access the upload and download report transactions /EDGE/TC_TB_UPLOAD /EDGE/TC_TB_DOWNLOAD. It has the attribute /EDGE/TB03 with the following values:

  • 1: Allows access to transactions.


This authorization object sets the permissions for the buttons of the b+ TBAI monitor. It can be configured per company code and activity. The /EDGE/TB05 field allows the following values:

  • 1: Allows to execute the 3 monitor buttons: Reprocess invoice, End process and View issue XML.

  • 2: Only allows the View issue XML button to be executed.


This authorization object establishes the permission the user has to access the reprocessing report transaction /EDGE/TB_REPROCESS. It has the attribute /EDGE/TB04 which has the following values:

1: Allows access to the transaction


This authorization object establishes the permission the user has to access the ā€œMonitor b+ TBAIā€ transaction.

The value of the ā€œreportā€ attribute has to be set to ā€œTBG1ā€ and the ACTVT attribute to ā€œ03ā€ and ā€œ16ā€œ value.


This authorization object grants permission to the user to access the "Active Reconciliation Types" transaction.

In the authorization group, we should enter "/TBA".

In the activity, depending on whether we want to modify or view:

2: Modify the table.

3: View only the table.


This authorisation object allows us to create comments on the LROE monitor.

  • In Activity depending on whether we want to modify or display:

    • 1: Display

    • 2: Modify

  • Table name: /EDGE/VLROE_ANOT


This authorisation object is required to view the attachment of the documents in the TBAI monitor.


This authorisation object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product. Below we will detail the available transactions.

  • Transaction code:

    • /EDGE/FC_03 - Monitor b+ TBAI

    • /EDGE/TB_LROE_MON - Monitor b+ LROE

    • /EDGE/TB_REPROCESO - Reprocessing TBAI and LROE

    • /EDGE/TB_LROE_ID_FAC - LROE Invoice ID Maintenance

    • /EDGE/TB_LROE_BI - Investment goods LROE

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_UPLOAD - TBAI Invoice upload

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_DOWNLOAD - TBAI Invoice download

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_HAC - Tax office by company code

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_CV003 - Configuration for the creation of bookings

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_CV004 - Configuration of tax codes

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_ESPE - Configuration of special countries

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_GOS - Menu GOS

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_ENTSO - Successor entity

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_CV025 - LROE Means of receivables and payments

    • /EDGE/TC_EX_LROE - Exceptions creation LROE Annotations

    • /EDGE/TC_RT_LROE - Self-holding conditions LROE

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_DASO - Software data

    • /EDGE/TC_EX_TBAI - TBAI Record creation exceptions

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_SICAT - Real estate situation and Osatu cadastral reference

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_REGL - Self Invoice configuration

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_HA_P - Tax office by supplier

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_HA_C - Tax authorities by customer

    • /EDGE/TC_AL_01 - Configuration b+ Alarms

    • /EDGE/TC_AL_02 - Report b+ Alarms

    • /EDGE/AL_MONITOR - Monitor b+ Alarms

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_CV024 - Reconciliation fields exception

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_MON_CON - Monitor reconciliations b+ LROE

    • /EDGE/TC_TB_TIPO_CON - Types of active reconciliations

    • SDV - Document display


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