b+ TicketBAI Zuzendu service
This service is available for the provinces of Araba and Gipuzkoa from version 1.3.2
Service enabled by the provinces of Araba and Gipuzkoa for providing information related to TicketBAI files that have been rejected and/or received with error warnings for not meeting the requirements and conditions established in the regulations that govern the TicketBAI obligation.
Zuzendu-Rectification file reception service
If a TicketBAI file is rejected for containing errors related with the structure or minimum contents of the TicketBAI files, a rectification file will have to be generated and sent through the zuzendu service.
Errors that can be rectified through this service:
002: The file does not comply with the XSD schema (NIF formats, country keys, causes, and types...)
003: The file does not include detail lines.
004: Missing mandatory data or incorrect data:
Empty NumFactura.
Expedition date higher than current date.
Signature and NumFacturaAnterior.
HashFactura, HashFacturaAnterior.
SignatureValueFirmaFacturaAnterior (when the field EncadenamientoFacturaAnterior element is reported).
Correct format for LicenciaTBAI.
Not acceptable NIF (Tax identification number) of the sender.
017: The message size is not valid: it has exceeded the allowed size.
Zuzendu-Modification file reception service
If the TicketBAI registration file or the rectification file of the TicketBAI registration file is received with errors that do not require the issuance of a corrective invoice, but are a consequence of not passing the consolidation validations of the rest of the data that must be reported in the file, a modification file will have to be generated and sent through the zuzendu service.
If the TicketBAI registration file or the rectification file of the TicketBAI registration file has been received without errors but it is considered necessary to modify the information it contains, as long as it is not a cause that requires the issuance of a corrective invoice, it will be possible to generate a modification file that will be sent through the zuzendu service.
Errors that can be modified through the service:
[...]: Errors resulting from the rest of the data that must be reported in the TicketBAI registration file (Data that does not go to the invoice, but is relevant for TicketBAI).
Validation errors due to inconsistencies between the values of the XML and the invoice.
008: Invalid signature (*This may involve opening a file for verification of tax obligations).
The initial and final states of the modification or rectification will be as follows:
Zuzendu file reception service flowchart
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