TicketBAI - Synapsis

TicketBAI - Synapsis


TicketBai is a strategy for control and assistance in the fulfilment of tax obligations for all persons and entities that carry out economic activities subject to the regulations of all the Basque tax authorities, regardless of their nature and size.

TicketBai is made up of three elements:

  • The invoicing guarantor software called TicketBai.

  • The obligation to keep the economic operations record books (LROE) through the Electronic Headquarters of the Provincial Council of the Basque tax authorities.

    • For taxpayers obliged to provide immediate information for VAT purposes (hereinafter, SII), these LROE will integrate the information and obligations of the SII.

  • And assistance to taxpayers in the fulfilment of their tax obligations, by means of the provision of drafts of the IRPFS, IS and VAT returns by the Provincial Treasury of the Basque tax authorities.

TicketBai will be compulsory for periods starting from 1 January 2024.


Global scheme

Below is a detailed visual representation of the TicketBai structure and its main components. This schematic provides a generic overview of how the different parts are integrated to form a functional and efficient system.

The product is composed of several key modules, each playing a fundamental role in its overall functioning.


Signature Process

This process uses XAdES (XML Advanced ELectronic Signatures) is an electronic signature standard, used to sign XML documents using the XMLDSig digital signature standard.

QR generation process

This process generates a QR code based on a link, which can then also be used to view all the invoices generated in the TA (Tax Agency) systems.

Shipping process to Vizcaya

This process is sent through LROE (a LROE is a wrapper that encompasses all types of shipments). This process is sent by packages, that is to say, many shipments in one.

Sending process to Guipúzcoa/Álava

This process is sent by sending normal invoices. In this type of case, you can only send both new and cancelled invoices, but never reconciled invoices.

QRSignature generation process

This process unifies the above mentioned processes, the Signature process and the QR process into a single process.

Zuzendu process

This process is used to resend both erroneous invoices and invoices that have already been sent and where you want to make some kind of modification to them.


Sending and response objects

In this section we will talk about the composition of the sending and response objects and we will explain the different configurations that we will find within them.

First of all we have the sending object, here we will find the following sections:

  • TCIHeaders: In this section we find the Synapsis configuration data.

  • etiqueta: Name of the file within our system.

  • tipoDocumento: This section specifies the type of document to be sent.

  • agencia: This block indicates the agency to which the document is being sent.

  • payload: This block contains all the data sent to the TA in encrypted form.

  • bloqueStatus: This section is empty when sending, so it is an optional field and does not have to be filled in.

Secondly, we have the response object, this object is the same structure as the sending object, only the payload and the Status block change, these are its sections:

  • TCIHeaders: In this section we find the Synapsis configuration data.

  • etiqueta: Name of the file in our system.

  • tipoDocumento: This section specifies the type of document sent.

  • agencia: This block indicates the agency to which it has been sent.

  • payload: In this section we find the encrypted response received from the TA.

  • bloqueStatus: In this block we find the info on how the sending has gone and, in the event of an error, it informs us of what it is.


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