Continuity report blocking and invoice reprocessing

Continuity report blocking and invoice reprocessing

Currently in TBAI there are two processes that use the same blocking object ENQUEUE_/EDGE/E_TB_ENCA and can overlap when processing invoices, these two processes are:


  • Reprocess invoice button of the electronic invoice monitor TBAI.

To avoid problems in the chaining in case the two actions are executed at the same time, a blocking process has been developed, in which the system will display a message informing the user that it has not been possible to carry out the execution because the object is being executed in the other process.

Example that the continuity report is executed just when the reprocess invoice button is being executed:

Example that the reprocess invoice button is executed just when the continuity report /EDGE/RP_TB_LROE_CONTINUE_PROC is running.


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