Continuity report

Continuity report

This report has been implemented to solve the chaining problem that arose on certain occasions when executing mass posting reports.

The changes brought about by this new implementation are as follows:

  • A new status (6222) has been created in the b+ core framework:

  • The following interpreters have been modified, changing the initial status of all of them.

As an exception, if we want to continue with the previous logic we can change the initial state to 6200, and it will work as in previous versions.

The report /EDGE/RP_TB_TB_LROE_CONTINUE_PROC does a search for all invoices with the new status (6222). Once all the invoices have been retrieved, we will process them one by one to avoid the chaining error. An update of the status to 6200 will be done and we will continue with the usual processing (resumption) of the invoices.

The main idea for this report is to make a job that will be launched periodically.

Steps for the creation of this job:

  1. Access the tcode sm36.

  2. Name the job and click on Start condition.

3. Once the following window opens, we will be able to configure the launch time, periodicity, etc. We are going to program it for every minute in our case. Click on Date/Time-->Period values-->Other period.

4. Save your changes.

5. Go back to the main window and click on step. Enter the name of the report to be run and save.

6. It would already be created and we will be able to see on sm37 our periodic releases.

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Avvale 2024