18.3. New book of additional properties

18.3. New book of additional properties

In the new version of the AEAT XML a new book is born that must be sent in case of generating more than 15 catastral references in the same invoice. 

To generate this book, new types of eDocuments have been created for both invoices and batches.The new types of eDocuments for these invoices are:

Type eDocDescription 


Cadastral Reference Invoices


Cadastral Ensure Reference Invoices


Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Ensurance


Create batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral


Ref. Invoices Cadastral for FICA


Ref.Invoices Cadastral Deletion for FICA


Batches of Invoices Ref.Cadastral Erase FICA


Create Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral FICA

In addition, the corresponding types of batches have also been created for this new book that need to be taxed to the regional agencies:

Type eDocDescription


Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Erasing Álava


Create batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Álava


Batches of invoices ref. cadastral erasure Guipúzcoa


High Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Gupúzcoa


Batches of Invoices Ref. Cadastral Erasure Vizcaya


High Batches for Ref. Invoices Cadastral Vizcaya

This book has a single operation for sending information, the supply. Which means no casualties are sent. What the AEAT has established is that, in case of canceling the corresponding issued invoice, a deleted invoice will be sent. For this, a deletion eDocument associated with this invoice will be created and included in a deletion batch. This batch will generate the XML of the invoice of the new book with empty cadastral reference fields.

To be able to generate the batch it is necessary to customizing it in the bach table:



Inputs to be parameterized in Batch assignment criteria 

High Batch RC

Priority equal to the rest of the books that are taxed to the AEAT.

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Enclosure delimitation included (inclusive) EQ Equal to / EDGE / RC
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) BT Between ... and ... CORR CREA

High Batch of RC FICA

Priority equal to the rest of the books that are taxed to the AEAT.

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Enclosure delimitation included (inclusive) EQ Equal to /EDGE/RF
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) BT Between ... and ... CORR CREA

Deleted Batch RC

Priority equal to the rest of the books that are taxed to the AEAT.

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Enclosure delimitation included (inclusive) EQ Equal to /EDGE/RCB
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) BT Between ... and ... CORR CREA

Deleted Batch RC FICA

Priority equal to the rest of the books that are taxed to the AEAT.

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Enclosure delimitation included (inclusive) EQ Equal to /EDGE/RFB
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) BT Between ... and ... CORR CREA

And for the Forals provinces,in case it applies.

High Batch RC

Priority like the rest of the books that are taxed to these forals provinces. It must be less than the parameterization for batches sent to the AEAT.

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) EQ Equal to /EDGE/RC
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) EQ Between….. CORR CREA
  • Established condition to define what is a foral

Deleted Batch RC

Priority equal to the rest of the books that are taxed to the AEAT

Conditions for criteria:

  • EDOCUMENT EDOC_TYPE I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) EQ Equal to /EDGE/RCB.
  • EDOCUMENT PROC_STATUS I Delimitation of scope included (inclusive) EQ Between…...CORR CREA.
  • Established condition to define what is a foral.

In the following link you can consult all available batch types Constomizing for SII batch conditions

You can also check the customizing of this same table for the batches of the foral: 2.2.8. Batches Conditions

Creation and generation of eDocuments for Additional Properties

In the creation BTE, / EDGE / BTE_CREATE_EDOCUMENT_SII, a point has been added for the creation of this new type of eDocument. For its creation, the mapping established in BAdI / edge / badi_sii_map_gen_1_1, method get_datos_inmueble is used. (BAdI / EDGE / BADI_SII_MAP_FE_SD_11_CL determin_ref_catast method for FICA). This method has a default implementation that can be modified according to the criteria defined for the creation of this book. This method is responsible for returning the cadastral references after reference 15 to add them in this new book. In addition, it also returns the number of total cadastral references of an invoice issued. If this number is greater than 15, at this point in the BTE this type of eDocument is marked for its creation.

Important: The default mapping given for the generation of eDocuments is an internal product development made for the tests in this book, so it will not match the specific conditions of each customer development. It is advisable to create an implementation and adapt the code to the specific criteria of each project.


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