2.2.8. Batches Conditions

2.2.8. Batches Conditions

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Transaction: /EDGE/SII_CU_007 - SII Batches conditions

After customizing of the classes to be used, it will be necessary to customize the table "Conditions for SII batches" - / EDGE / SII_VLOTHC - / EDGE / SII_LOTPCO

In the first update view it is necessary to customize each type of batch created with its priority and the batch registration number.

The given priority will determine the order in which the conditions are evaluated when creating a batch, a lower priority value indicates that that condition is evaluated before (priority 1 is evaluated before priority 2). For example, when creating a batch of Issued invoices, if / EDGE / FEAL (Batch High Álava) has as a priority a number lower than / EDGE / FE_L (Batch High AEAT) if the conditions for both are given, a batch of type / EDGE / FEAL (Álava) will be created. If the priorities were reversed / EDGE / FEAL, a batch of high AEAT with type / EDGE / FE_L would always be created.

In addition to the priority and the number of registers, it is necessary to customize the conditions for the criterion. At the time of conditions of customization for Foral Provinces, the conditions will be the same as for the batches of the AEAT, adding the company criteria of the BKPF table for the taxpaying companies in the Foral Treasury of the type of lot that we are customizing.


/EDGE/FE_L Priority 5

/EDGE/FEAL Priority 4

When priority is given to a lower number (higher priority), the Álava batch will always have preference over the AEAT batch. But in this case, as there is a customized company, this type of batch will only be created if the condition that the field BKPF-BUKRS = TCH3, that is, the company customized in this field, is met. If no company is customized, this type of batches would always be created.

This customization should be repeated for the rest of the books.

Note: If more than one company sends to the same foral province, in the conditions it would be enough to introduce one more entry. In this way, this condition would apply to the companies indicated.


All the batch types that apply (excluding Annual Operations) that are numbered in point 6 must be customized in this table. 2.2.6.Types of batches

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