18.4. Middleware customizing

18.4. Middleware customizing

IP Communication

For this type of communication there are no changes with the new version of XML 1.1.

Asynchronous Cloud Communication

Mandatory FUSE Configuration

The service that FUSE uses for sending xmls and other operations, disappears with version 1.7.4 and a new service is created that needs to be configured for operation. Without this setting, no communication with FUSE will work.

With product version 1.7.4, which incorporates version 1.1 of XML established by AEAT, a new service for Cloud (FUSE) is generated. This new service will be responsible for XML deliveries, conciliations, NIF validations and all the different services that are consumed in product.

For this new service to work, it is necessary to configure an endpoint from the SOAMANAGER as was done with the previous service used before the upgrade to version 1.7.4.

The new service to be configured in the SOAMANAGER is /EDGE/CO_SII_CLAPROCESAR_LOTE1.

The old service was /EDGE/CO_SII_CLAPROCESAR_LOTE. Filtering in the SOAMANAGER by /EDGE/CO_SII_CLAPROCESAR_LOTE* will show both services:


Select the second service /EDGE/CO_SII_CLAPROCESAR_LOTE1. Click on "Apply selection".

Create the new endpoint manually:

Press the "Edit" button to configure it.

The configuration of this new service is exactly the same as the old one. The data will correspond to the data of the old service in each corresponding SAP environment.

To copy the data, open the old service, /EDGE/CO_SII_CLAPROCESAR_LOTE, to another tab to copy the data. Select the endpoint created and select "Display".

Consumer Security

Select User ID / Password as in the previous service. If the password is not remembered, contact the support team (es-soporte-sii@techedgegroup.com) to provide the required password.

Additional Information

Important: Mark it as default port

Web Service Addressing


Important: Suppres ID transfer protocol, with SOAP Header

Transport Settings

URL Access Path/entrada_fuse/services/ProcesarLoteSII

IP: Copy the IP of the old service.

Port: Copy port from old service.

Important: HTTPS protocol is normally used for communication with FUSE

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