2.1.4. Intermediate eDocs
2.1.4. Intermediate eDocs
View in b+SII:
The types of intermediate eDocuments to be parameterized are the following:
Record Book | Intermediate Edoc |
Issued Invoice | /EDGE/FE |
Issued Invoice Cancel | /EDGE/FEB |
Received Invoice | /EDGE/FR |
Received Invoice Cancel | /EDGE/FRB |
Intra-Community Operations | /EDGE/OI |
Intra-Community Operations Cancel | /EDGE/OIB |
Investment Goods | /EDGE/BI |
Investment Goods Cancel | /EDGE/BILB |
Cash Charge | /EDGE/IM |
Cash Charge Cancel | /EDGE/IMB |
Insurance Operations | /EDGE/OS |
Insurance Operations Cancel | /EDGE/OSB |
Charge on Issued Invoice | /EDGE/CE |
Collect on Received Invoice | /EDGE/PR |
In case of having the IS-U addon it will be necessary to parameterize in addition:
Libro Registro | Edoc Intermedio |
IS-U Issued Invoice | /EDGE/IS |
IS-U Issued Invoice Cancel | /EDGE/ISB |
FI-CA Issued Invoice | /EDGE/FC |
FI-CA Issued Invoice Cancel | /EDGE/FCB |
Avvale 2024