3. SAF-T User Guide
This section explains the functionalities developed for the creation of the SAF-T file needed to be sent to the Portuguese Tax Authority.
The main tool for SAF-T operation can be accessed through the area menu /N/EDGE/SAFT_001:
This area menu includes the following elements:
3.1 SAF-T Application (Cockpit)
3.2.1 General element conversion
3.2.2 Parametrization of constans
3.2.3 Configuration basic SAF-T
3.2.4 Constants XML exporting table
3.2.5 Product code reference (invoice)
3.2.6 Other customizing of interest Parametrization accounts descriptions SAF-T: Get data from main tables
3.3 Customizing SAF-T Portugal
3.3.1 Identification of the establishment (tax entity)
3.3.2 Custo type and status movements
3.3.3 Working documents customizing
3.3.4 Payment parametrization table
3.3.5 Sales documents (invoice) settings
3.3.6 Tax parametrization table
3.3.7 Transaction type setting table
3.3.8 G/L account settings table
3.3.9 Other customizing of interest Configuration of tax codes
3.3.10 SAF-T BADIS Portugal SAF-T: Map data by country SAF-T: Recover main data by country
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