2.2.3 Working documents customizing
2.2.3 Working documents customizing
Transaction /EDGE/SAFT_008
This table has to be filled with the Billing document type that will correspond to the Working types.
This table can be configured with the following parameters for Working status & Working type:
Working status | Description |
A | Reversed document |
F | Invoiced documents |
N | Normal |
Working type | Description |
CC | Consignment credit |
CM | Table consultations |
CS | Imputation to Co-Insurers |
DC | Outgoing documents |
FC | Consignment invoice pursuant to Article 38 of the VAT Code |
FO | Worksheets |
LD | Imputation to Leadership Co-Insurance Companies |
NE | Command Note |
OR | Budget |
OU | Other |
PF | Pro-Forma |
RA | Re-insurance accepted |
RE | Return insurance or return insurance receipt |
RP | Premium or Premium Receipt |
The view in the setting table would be as follows:
, multiple selections available,
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