Real estate location and cadastral reference

Real estate location and cadastral reference

Transaction code: /EDGE/TC_TB_SICAT


From this table, data related to the property detail block will be configured to populate the 'Real estate location' and 'Cadastral Reference' fields in the additional book.

A default class has been implemented to handle cases where this table is empty or when the data needs to be mapped from some other source.


The following data will need to be provided:

  • 'NºSec': Sequential number used to enumerate the properties belonging to a financial company.

  • 'Company code': Code of the financial company to which the property belongs.

  • 'Building location.': Type of property location that will be reported in the 'Property Location' field of the XML.

  • 'VAT Registration number': European tax identification number.

  • 'Doc. N.': Financial document number recorded with reference to the property data found in that line item. For mapping and Osatu file generation purposes, this data will be left empty.

  • 'Fiscal year': Fiscal year for which the property data is valid or has been maintained.

  • 'Cadastral reference': Data to be reported in the 'Cadastral Reference' field of the XML file.

Completion is mandatory, except when the value in the 'Real estate location' field is three (3) or four (4).


It is important to ensure that each 'Sequential number' corresponds to a unique combination of 'Company code,' 'Real estate location,' 'Cadastral reference', 'VAT Registration number' and 'Fiscal Year' data to avoid mapping incorrect data.



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