Successor entity

Successor entity

Transaction code: /EDGE/TC_TB_ENTSO


Through the 'Successor Entity' table, the data corresponding to the 'TIN' and 'Name/Legal Entity Name' of the succeeded entity are informed, which are mapped in the Osatu files of Gipuzkoa and Araba at the time of their generation.

The 'Successor entity' table can also be used for mapping this data in BI annotations (Chapter 3 - Investment goods) of LROE, by checking the 'LROE BI' box.

Additionally, a BAdI (Business Add-In) has been provided, through which the customer can specify the invoices to which the data transfer from the 'Successor Entity' block applies



  • Successor entity (Mandatory): Indicates the succeeding company of the succeeded entity.

  • Succeeded entity (Mandatory): Indicates the entity succeeded by the succeeding entity.

  • TIN (Autocompleted): Tax identification number of the succeeded entity.

  • Taxpayer name (Autocompleted): Corresponds to the Name-Last Name - Legal entity name of the succeeded entity.

  • 'LROE BI' Checkbox (Optional): Indicates that the entry is used for mapping 'Succeeded Entity' data in LROE investment asset annotations.

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