4.2. Integration Builder Configuration

4.2. Integration Builder Configuration

Firstly, in the case of a new PI installation, the Bussines System (hereinafter BS) defined in the SLD should be assigned or imported into the Integration Directory. Once this process has been carried out, it is recommended that two Bussines Component be created to carry out the entire request control process



This is the component in charge of representing the direct processing in PI. Signature, QR code generation, auxiliary elements of the LROE call.

The service interface must be assigned in the "sender":

  • SI_OS_DUMMY / urn:techedgegroup.com:ticketbai:comun

While in "Receiver" should be assigned:

  • SI_IS_GenerarQR / urn:techedgegroup.com:ticketbai:comun

  • SI_IS_FirmaFactura / urn:techedgegroup.com:ticketbai:comun



This component is in charge of communication with the Regional Agency.

In this BC the following Service Interfaces must be assigned as "Receiver":

  • SI_IS_EnvioLROE / urn:techedgegroup.com:ticketbai:comun

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