SII mapping reuse
For invoices issued in b+ TicketBAI in some blocks of the XML it will use the mapping of the b+ SII configuration.
It will be necessary to install the adaptations of the
If you have b + dgtal SII implemented in your systems, you can reuse the mappings for TBAI. It will be necessary to carry out the following steps:
Maintain the configuration of the SII tables
Parameterize the new TBAI tables
Parameterize and implement the BADIS of the non-reusable blocks of the SII
Recipients | Ā | X | In b+ SII it is limited to a single recipient and in TBAI/LROE there is the possibility of reporting more than one, therefore the mapping may vary. | Mapping with SII - It will be necessary to carry out the mappings in TBAI to recover the data Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
Issued by third parties | Ā | X | The values āādiffer between b+ SII and b+ TicketBAI, the values āācannot be dumped directly. | Mapping with SII - It will be necessary to carry out the mappings in TBAI to recover the data Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
Invoice header | X | X | Ā | Mapping with SII- No mapping will be necessary as it will recover those of IBS Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
Invoice data | X | X | Ā | Mapping with SII - No mapping will be necessary as it will recover those of IBS Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
Breakdown | X | X | Ā | Mapping with SII - It will not be necessary to map since it will retrieve those of the SII and the values āāof the CREIN and the VAT Indicators table Mapping without SII - New mappings for TBAI to retrieve data by configuring the Configuration table for the creation of annotations and Configuration of tax codes and special countries |
Other information | X | X | This block corresponds to the LROE XML and contains information that is also sent in the SII but not in the TBAI, such as cadastral references, coupon field, etc. | Mapping with SII- No mapping will be necessary as it will recover those of IBS Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
Energy market (within the Other information block) | Ā | X | There is no field similar to SII. The mapping is in the BADI /edge/if_badi_tb_map_fe~get_mercado_energia and has no default mapping from the standard. | Mapping with SII - It will be necessary to carry out the mappings in TBAI to recover the data Mapping without SII - New Mappings for TBAI |
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