Number ranges
For the correct functioning of the product, it is necessary to configure the number ranges for the TicketBAI files, for the LROE annotations and for the LROE batches.
Number ranges for TicketBAI
We access the SNRO transaction and select the /EDGE/FC01 object.
Once the object is selected, click on "Interval Editing".
We click on the interval edition.
Finally we include an interval and save.
Number ranges for LROE
We access the SNRO transaction and select the /EDGE/TBLR object.
Once the object is selected, click on "Interval Editing".
For each type of invoice you will have to configure a range of numbers.
We include a range of numbers for the LROE annotations, another for the lots and we save.
Number ranges for Concilia
We access the SNRO transaction and select the /EDGE/TBCO object.
Once the object is selected, click on "Interval Editing".
We click on the interval edition.
We include a range of numbers for the Concilia and we save.
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Avvale 2024