Customize againts Integration Builder environment
Firstly, in the case of a new IP installation, the Business Bussines System (hereinafter referred to as BS) defined in the SLD on the Integration Directory should be assigned or imported. Once this process is done, it is necessary to create two Bussines Component that carry out the whole process of controlling the requests.
This is the component responsible for processing messages, in this BC would have to assign the Service Interfaces that the BC will be able to use, for this, inside the "Receiver" tab will be assigned the following Service Interfaces of category Inbound SC_SII_1. 0 of techedgegroup.com
- SI_IA_EnviarLote
- SI_IS_CancelMessages
- SI_IS_GetMessagesByID
- SI_IS_ResendMessages
And like Sender (Outbound category).
- SI_OA_LogTecnico
- SI_OA_ProcesarLote
This component is in charge of communication with the global management monitor. This component does not need to be created, if you do not have the Dashboard option installed.
In this BC you have to assign the following Inbound Category Service Interface, through the "Receiver" tab:
- SI_IA_LogTecnico
- SI_IA_ProcesarLote
- SI_IS_ProcesarLote
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