2.8.2. SW Requirements

2.8.2. SW Requirements

The "b+ SII" software to be deployed in the SAP PI middleware must be installed in a system that fulfills the following characteristics:

The b+ SII Addon component for SAP Process Integration / Orchestration is available for the following versions.

SAP VersionSP Required
SAP PI 7.10/7.11 ¡new!From SP0

SAP PI/PO 7.31

From SP0

SAP PI/PO 7.40

From SP0

SAP PI/PO 7.50

From SP0

Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements for development and quality environments will not change with respect to systems currently in place.

If a new installation of SAP PI / PO is required please go to the SAP portal to perform a correct sizing of the system.

In a production environment, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • Number of annual batches
  • Processing windows

In order to perform the correct sizing of SAP PI/PO, go to the following address:

https://apps.support.sap.com/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/sap/qs_oberflaeche/main.do?bsp-language=en or


Avvale 2024