/ CSV scenarios CSV scenarios

For these systems, as in previous cases, the scenario "CS_SII_ProcesarLote_CSV" will be created that will group all the objects of the scenario.

In general, a ".tpz" with the CSV base scenario has been created, in addition, new systems can be created by performing the objects described below.

For each NO SAP system from which CSVs are consumed, a channel "CC_S_FILE_ProcesarCSV" associated with the Bussines Component corresponding to the system must be created in the default BC_LEGACY scenario.

In this, we will configure the path from which we want to consume the files, here it is important to select the following options for the configuration:

  1. In the processing tab, the type of service must be Exactly Once In Order.
  2. In the Advanced tab, you have to select the specific properties of the message, then in the execution of the scenario get the filename of the file.

This filename is defined in point CSV Filename definition

In the channels "CC_R_FILE_Procesar_Lote_CSV_Orchestrator" imported from the .tpz, it will be necessary to change, on the one hand, the route where we will leave the AEAT response.

And on the other hand the path from where it picks up the properties of both the orchestrator's first step and the second. The parameters related to the MessageTransfromBean do not need to be modified.

Finally, it will be necessary to create an ICO similar to that found in the .tpz |BC_LEGACY|SI_OA_ProcesarCSV

As channel sender will be defined the channel created CC_S_FILE_ProcesarCSV, in the Receiver all the import BCs in the .tpz will be added, adding as Receiver Determination the object OM_Dummy_to_Receiver_Determination

This OM will give us the direction rule to the CBs depending on the operation that we want to perform in the CSV.

All the Receiver Interfaces will have the same configuration, with SI_IA_EnviarLote as Service Interface and OM_CsvContent_to_EnviarLote as Operation Mapping.

Finally, each Receiver will be assigned its corresponding CC_R_FILE_Procesar_Lote_CSV_Orchestrator.

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Avvale 2024