Customize adressing rules (ICOs and Receiver Determination)
For the unification of all the objects of the DIR the use of integration scenarios is recommended. In this case something similar to "CS_SII_Procesar_Lote" for the Batch Send scenario.
And "CC_SII_Adapter_Basic_Monitoring" for the scenario in charge of giving cancellation and forwarding functionality to the ECC add-on
ICOS of the "CC_SII_Adapter_Basic_Monitoring" scenario
- |BS_XXXX|SI_OS_ResendMessages||
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_BROKER
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IS_ResendMessages
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_AdapterMessageMonitoring
- Inbound Processing
- |BS_XXXX|SI_OS_GetMessageByID||
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_BROKER
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IS_GetMessageByID
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_AdapterMessageMonitoring
- Inbound Processing
- |BS_XXXX|SI_OS_CancelMessages ||
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_BROKER
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IS_CancelMessages
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_AdapterMessageMonitoring
- Inbound Processing
Note: BS_XXXX will be the SAP system from which the functional process is performed. Normally it will follow the nomenclature of a Business System BS_<SID> <COMMANDER> (BS_OSD001 or BS_NWD100).
ICOS of the scenario "CS_SII_Procesar_Lote"
- |BS_XXXX|SI_OA_EnviarLote||
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_BROKER
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IA_EnviarLote
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_AAPP_Procesar_Lote_Orchestrator
- Inbound Processing
- |BS_XXXX|SI_OS_CambioEstadoLote||
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_DASHBOARD
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IS_ProcesarLote
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: OM_CambioEstadoLote_to_ProcesarLote
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_LotesWS
- Inbound Processing
- |BC_SII_BROKER|SI_OA_LogTecnico|| Configuración en SAP PI 7.3 (Configuración mediante ICO)
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_SOAP_Log_Tecnico
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_DASHBOARD
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IA_LogTecnico
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Outbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_LotesWS
- Inbound Processing
Configuration in SAP PI 7.1 (Classic Configuration)
For SAP PI 7.1 versions, the configuration must be performed for processing through the ABAP stack. (Sender Agreement, Receiver Determination, Interface Determination and Receiver Agreement.)
Sender Agreement:
Receiver Determination:
Interface Determination:
Receiver Agreement:
- |BC_SII_BROKER|SI_OA_ProcesarLote|| Configuration in SAP PI 7.3 (Configuration through ICO)
- Inbound Processing
- Communication Channel: CC_S_SOAP_Procesar_Lote
- Receiver
- Receiver Determination: Standard
- Communication Component: BC_SII_DASHBOARD + BS de cada Sistema SAP a informar
- Inbound Processing
As a condition must be added the following:
( /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/origen = BS_NWD100 AND /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/tipo_fichero = XML_RESP_AEAT ) OR ( /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/origen = BS_NWD100 AND /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/estado = 400 )
This will prevent reporting to systems whose source has been different and is reported with the request information (defined as XML_ENVIO_AEAT). For these branches to the Dashboard will go all the information whereas to the systems origin only the information of the answer of the AEAT.
- Receiver Interfaces
- Name: SI_IA_ProcesarLote
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: N/A
- Receiver Interfaces
- Component BS_XXXXXX
- Name: SI_IA_CambioEstadoLote
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: OM_ProcesarLote_to_CambioEstadoLote
- Component BS_XXXXXX
- Name: SI_IA_RespuestaAEAT
- Namespace: urn:techedgegroup.com:sii:af
- OM: OM_ProcesarLote_RespuestaAEAT
- Condition: /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/tipo_fichero = XML_RESP_AEAT
- Outbound Processing
- Component BC_SII_DASHBOARD/ SI_IA_ProcesarLote
- Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_LotesWS
- Component BS_XXXXXX/ SI_IA_CambioEstadoLote
- Communication Channel: CC_R_PROXY
- Component BS_XXXXXX/ SI_IA_RespuestaAEAT
- Communication Channel: CC_R_PROXY
- Component BC_SII_DASHBOARD/ SI_IA_ProcesarLote
- Outbound Processing
Configuration in SAP PI 7.1 (Classic Configuration)
For SAP PI 7.1 versions, the configuration must be performed for processing through the ABAP stack. (Sender Agreement, Receiver Determination, Interface Determination and Receiver Agreement.)
Sender Agreement:
Receiver Determination
- Se determinarán dos receptores:
- Si ( /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/origen = BS_<SID><MANDT> AND /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/tipo_fichero = XML_RESP_AEAT ) OR ( /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/origen = BS_<SID><MANDT> AND /p1:ProcesarLote/lote/estado = 400 ) then the receiver will be BS_<SID><MANDT>
Interface Determination
- Origin BS_SII_BROKER y Destiny BS_<SID><MANDT>: For this case the target system can receive two types of messages:
- The condition for executing the OM OM_ProcessAllAEATLatch is if the /p1:ProcessLoad/batch/file_type of the source message is equal to XML_RESP_AEATT
- To execute the OM OM_ProcesarLote_to_CambioEstadoLote there will be no conditions.
Receiver Agreement
- Reception Agreement for BC_SII_DASHBOARD System
- Reception Agreement for BS_<SID><MANDT> System
- To receive the message through the service: SI_IA_CambioEstadoLote
- To receive the message through the service: SI_IA_RespuestaAEAT
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