/ MW Customizing in SII MW Customizing in SII


In this transaction parameters (with parameter name, parameter value) are parameterized to manage relations with the Middleware system. The constants are as follows:

Meaning of the constants to parametrize:




This flag must be indicated for storing the AEAT send and reply XML. For proper operation of this storage, the settings of management of annexes must be made as indicated in point 10 of this guide.


Class that encapsulates communication with the Middleware system. This class must implement the /EDGE/IF_SII_COMUNICACION_AEAT interface. By default, the three types of communication discussed in section 8 of this guide are provided.


Discard Code for communications with Middleware.


Number of errors received in a batch from the Middleware in which the alarm for the indicated batch is triggered (to be implemented in the BAdI / EDGE / BADI_SII_ALERTAS), should match the number of retries the Middleware system makes before interrupting the transmission.


Source FUSE in case of communication using FUSE.


When communication by FUSE is the ID that represents the client. There may be clients that have multiple ID_Tenant


When there is communication by FUSE, it is the IDs of the groupings that can have a ID_TENANT.
Deprecated: from version 1.5 addon. From this version the company ID is automatically used.


PI source for proxy class in case of PI communication.
Use: Name of the Business System in SAP PI.


Middleware Discard Step


XML Version of the AEAT being used


Flag that will indicate in the case of having the value 'X' that it is necessary to make use of the validation functionality of NIFs as documented in point 13 of this manual.


Communication class used for the validation of NIFs activated with the parameter NIF_CHECK. This class must inherit from the class /EDGE/CL_SII_CONSULTA_RAZON and it must implement the TRANSFORM method in which the WS of validation of NIF must be consumed. The product includes the classes /EDGE/CL_SII_CONSULTA_RAZON_CL for systems that use the asynchronous FUSE product and /EDGE/CL_SII_CONSULTA_RAZON_PI for systems using the B + SII PI product.


Exclusive parameter of the FTP communication to indicate the route of the SAP server where the generated XML file will be deposited when sending a batch. For more information see section 8.4.


Exclusive parameter of the FTP communication to indicate the route of the SAP server where the response XML files will be read. For more information see section 8.4.


Exclusive parameter of the FTP communication to indicate the route of the SAP server where the response XML files will be moved once processed. For more information see section 8.4.


It shows whether sending obsolete to the Dashboard is active depending on the value according to the following code:

  • S: Synchronous sending. With this value, the Web Service provided by the Middleware will be consumed to send the status of obsolescence at the moment in which the change of state occurs (generally in the accounting of an accounting document)
  • A: Asynchronous sending. If this option is checked, the sending of the obsolescence status to the Dashboard will be made when the report /EDGE/SII_ENVIO_OBS_DB is executed, in this case it is recommended to program a job
  • For both cases the sending of this information is only carried out if the batch has been sent, it happens regardless of the recerived status. This is because, if the batch has not been sent, the Dashboard does not have this information, so the invoice is not registere

To know more about this check the page: 2.1.20 Sending Obsoletes to Dashboard.

CHECK_NIF_EXTRANJEROThis parameter indicates whether the NIF check for foreigners is active in the NIF Validaton report. If this flag is not marked, the NIF validation will only be for Spaniards.

Its possible values ​​are empty or "X".

This parameter reported with "X" indicates that the active alarm module is the new one, and the old one stops working.


Its possible values ​​are empty or "X".

If this parameter is empty, the new received fields of version 1.1 Bis will not be mapped. If, on the contrary, it is informed with "X", the mapping will enter the logic of the new fields to map them in the corresponding case.


Parameter whose possible values ​​are:


This parameter indicates how eDocuments for the sale of goods on consignment are created. If it is configured as ONLINE, it will be launched online, if it is BACKGROUND it will be launched in the background.

It is recommended to call the function modules in the background so that it does not cause a cut in the execution of the movement creation on the clients.

If the parameter does not exist or has a value other than these, it will not generate eDocuments or create a log.

This table should not be transported from one environment to another, but it should be customizing manually in each environment where the product is transported. This is because the information in this table is dependent on parameters that may be different in development, quality and production environments.

In the case where the production system has the client closed and this view can not be customizing , it will be necessary to transport the customizing with the corresponding production data, leaving, after transport, the correct data in the starting system. 

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