/ ALV Enhancement for Cockpit Monitor ALV Enhancement for Cockpit Monitor

To extend the ALV(s) of the Cockpit Monitor tool, you have to make two main settings.

First of all, the structure or structures used for the corresponding ALV(s) must be expanded. If you want to enlarge the records tab, the structure to enlarge is /edge/sii_cockpit_alv_inter. While if the tab to be expanded is the batch tab, the dictionary structure to be expanded is the /edge/sii_cockpit_alv_lote.

Once the structure is expanded with the new fields that are going to appear in the cockpit, the next step is to map these fields with their corresponding value. If the new fields appear in the records tab, an enhancement must be made to the recupera_datos_intermedios subroutine; if, on the other hand, the tab to be expanded is the batch tab, the recupera_datos_lotes subroutine must be expanded. In any case, it would be necessary to create an enhancement where the global tables of the ALVs are read and to recover and inform the new fields with their corresponding value.

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