Enhancement for FI fields

Enhancement for FI fields

To extend the select-option fields of FI tab and/or extend the ALV that results from search, the following steps can be followed:
Step 1. Creating the enhancement

Through transaction SE18 we access the enhancement spot /EDGE/ II_MONITOR_REPROCESO. Within it we access the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_MON_REPROCE_ECC and create an implementation of it.

Once created, access the option "Sccreen Implementation" to see the detail of the image and the subscreen area generated. The image corresponding to this extension is number 3 subscreen SUBSCREEN_ECC_SEL_FI.

Step 2. Creating the Function Group

Through transaction SE80 we create a new group of functions and declare a selection subscreen in the corresponding include.

In the subscreen mentioned, you enter the select-options fields to be considered in the dynpro and in the subsequent data selection.

Then, within the aforementioned function group, a new function is created in order to retrieve the values ​​entered in the select-options declared in the subscreen of the function group itself. This function module should have in Export the parameter CT_CAMPOS_PANTALLA and associated type /EDGE/SII_TI_CAMPO_SELECT_OP:

Step 3. Referencing the function group and creating methods in the enhancement

Once the previous steps have been performed, you must reference in the BAdI implementation the function group and subscreen created. The function group always has to have the SAPL * nomenclature when it is indicated as a program.

Step 4. BAdI methods implementation

In the methods of the implementation we will have to program the recovery of the values ​​of the select-options that we have declared and also the filtering using the recovered values.

These methods will be:

  • GET_DATA: In this method the function module should be called to get the select-options values::


  • RECUPERA_DATOS: In this method the filter for the search result should be done, that is, restrict the table CT_ALV informed with the standard search to our filter of selection-options Z. This method is for online runs. If also is requeried to enhancement the ALV that results from this search, should to enhancement the structure /EDGE/SII_REPROCESO_ALV with the corresponding append and to inform of these new fields in this method:


  • RECUPERA_DATOS_BCKG: In this method must be done the filter of our search, that is, restrict the table CT_EDOCS informed with the standard search, to our filter of select-options Z. This method is for background runs:

Finally, make sure that the implementation is active:

And check that the fields are in the selection screen and filter is working correctly as online and in the background (if report is going to be executed in background).

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Avvale 2024