Monitor configuration

Monitor configuration

Transaction / EDGE / FC_SPRO → Configuration folder "Report Configuration".

Through this option you can customize the Process Monitor

The level of personalization is based on the following points:

  • Group Business Units by report.
  • Set the number of fixed columns of the monitor.
  • Change monitor menu.
  • Hide entry fields.
  • Manage (order, hide, show or add) output fields of the monitor..

Next, each of the customization possibilities will be explained:


One of the most important features of the monitor configuration is that it can be segmented according to the needs of the client, that is, it is possible to display the information of a Business Unit for a company area and other information for another one. This is achieved by creating several classifications of reports and assigning one or more Business Units for each. This classification of reports or report code is used in the authorization object / EDGE / FC03 to validate whether users may or may not view the selected report.

To create these groupings you must follow the following steps:

  • Create group:

  • Select group or created report and go to folder "Assigned Business Units":


This configuration allows to indicate to the monitor the number of fixed columns that the ALV report will have displayed to the user.

To configure them update the column "Fixed Col.":


Through this configuration it is possible to change the ALV report menu of the monitor that is displayed to the user.

To configure it, the columns "GUI program status" and "Status GUI for reporting" are updated:

It is recommended to create a copy of the original GUI status of the monitor from this menu and, based on this, develop the new version. The GUI status data of the monitor are:

  • Program / Report: /EDGE/FC_REPORT_EINVOICES


It allows hiding monitor input parameters.

You must select the report and then access the configuration folder "Invisible selection fields":

The "Group Id" corresponds to the group ID of the selection field in the report, this means that you must enter the INCLUDE / EDGE / FC_REPORT_EINVOICES_SCRE and verify the corresponding group ID for each entry field, this is found as " MODIF ID ". Example:

In this way you can identify the group ID for each selection field.


With this option it is possible to configure the fields that will be displayed on the monitor and the order in which they should be output. Additionally, fields that are not in the product standard can be added.

To configure this option, you must select the report and then access the configuration folder "Report output fields":

In this option you can enter the following data:

  • Sequence
    Corresponds to the sequence in which the report will be displayed.

  • Field Report
    Technical field in the ALV table. This field must be in the structure / EDGE / FC_ST_REPORT_EINVOICES.

  • Hidden?
    Indicates if the respective field should be hidden.

It is very important at least to keep the first three fields that are shown in the picture: CONSEC, ICON_SELEC and ICON_STATUS.

To be able to add a field to the report the following steps must be done:

  • If the field exists in the invoice table, then an APPEND STRUCTURE must be made to the table / EDGE / FC_TB901.
    Here is an example:

          In this example, it can be seen that the fields "BELNR" and "GJAHR" were added.

  • If the field doesn´t exist the invoices table, then the APPEND STRUCTURE must be added directly to the structure / EDGE / FC_ST_REPORT_EINVOICES.

  • Then the field must be added to the report configuration, in the "Report output fields" folder.

  • If for some reason it is necessary to add some query logic, filter or others, at the level of the report, then explicit ENHANCEMENTS POINTS can be used that were left in the report / EDGE / FC_REPORT_EINVOICES and in their INCLUDES: / EDGE / FC_REPORT_EINVOICES_LOGI and / EDGE / FC_REPORT_EINVOICES_SCRE.

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