3. MW Communication

3. MW Communication

It is very important to configure the PI/FUSE communication so that the query is correct.

First step:

Check that the transaction /EDGE/SII_CON_AEAT - Concilia MW Customizing is configured correctly.

Entry data, see 3. Middleware Concilia Customizing

If the conciliation is done to the ATC the XML version will be 1.0, although it says "VERSION_XML 1.1" .When making the query will take the version of the table detailed below. Therefore, it is necessary to configure 1.1 as it appears in the image.

Second step:

Check the table /EDGE/SII_CO_015 where by default, in product, the configured entries will be given. In this transaction you will have to adapt the class/interface if you have a communication class Z for sending by book (issued, received...).

As can be seen for version 1.0 is the Canary Islands entry and for version 1.1 not.

There must be a corresponding entry for the middleware in use.

Comunication class
Proxy Class
Proxy Method

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