Hotfix calculation for the Canary Islands

Hotfix calculation for the Canary Islands

A Hotfix is released after version 1.8.1 of b+dgtal SII which solves the calculation of the total amount for invoices sent to the Canary Islands (IGIC).

Applies to invoices issued and received.

This Hotfix can be imported either after installing version 1.8.0 or higher

Installable files

  • Transport order OSDK905626: This order has custo content, so it has to be installed in each client.

This file can be downloaded from the download portal One Place:





In the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAPEOS_CA_GEN of the package /EDGE/SII_EDOC_CANARIAS the method GET_IMPORTE_TOTAL is created with a default implementation.

If you want to change this implementation you only have to implement this BAdI.

This method is called in GET_STRUCTURE_XML_1_1 in both the issued and received classes /EDGE/CL_SII_MAP_FE_CA_L_11 and /EDGE/CL_SII_MAP_FR_CA_L_11 respectively.

Example for the type of received:

In the case of the issued class it is the same but changing the CHANGING parameter with the issued structure.

This Hotfix also has two error codes with the same message 3019 and 3519 (this is why it has to be installed on all clients).

The AEAT is returning these two errors in a random way, although they have the same meaning.

La AEAT está devolviendo estos dos errores de forma aleatoria, aunque tienen el mismo significado.


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