Hotfix NIF Irlanda - Brexit

Hotfix NIF Irlanda - Brexit

A Hotfix is ​​released after version 1.8.1 of the b + dgtal SII due to Brexit, operations with Northern Ireland as of February 1 are considered intra-community operations in their entirety. Therefore, despite the fact that the master data of the supplier / customer has GB configured as country, the VAT number must be with the initials XI in front. Finally, SAP has decided not to include XI as an EU country in the published notes, so it is necessary to adapt the b + SII code to cover this casuistry in the standard mapping. In b + SII, the mapping to consider the foreign counterparty / issuer with idtype = 02 is based on whether or not the community NIF is configured.

For XI (Ireland) it has to be considered as such without this field being configured, since when entering the ISO XI code it gives an error because the country does not exist. The verification of the country of the master data = GB is included in the hotfix, and later the NIF fields STCD1 to STCD4 are reviewed, if it finds a value it is verified that the first two digits are XI, if so, it is entered as idtype = 02. The mapping of the idother block for counterpart goes in Badi, so it can be adapted by client.

This adaptation is used for the standard code, if it has been modified in the client it will have to be adapted. For operations with the United Kingdom with GB NIF, the check of country belonging to the EU in table T005 must be eliminated and the NIF of place in the master data must be modified, going from the community to any other field STCD1 to STCD4. It will automatically be painted in the XML idtype = 04 as it should be sent.

Technically, the MAPEA_CONTRAPARTE_FESDE_ORIGEN method of the /EDGE/CL_SII_CONS_RAZON_GEN class that belongs to the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_CONS_RAZON_GEN has been modified.

This Hotfix can be imported after installing version 1.8.0 or higher

Installable files:

  • Transport order OSDK905686: This order does not have custo content so it only needs to be installed in a single client.

This file can be downloaded from the One Place download portal:


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