Enhancement Spot for BAdIs mapping Canary Islands
The enhancement point /EDGE/SII_MAPEOS_CANARIAS consists of 7 BAdIS.
These BAdIs are used in the mapping classes for the Canary Islands.
BAdI for mapping Investment Goods for client specific Canary Islands. This BAdI has no default implementation. The interface set for this BAdI consists of the following methods:
- GET_REGU_ANUAL_DEDU: Retrieves the Annual Deduction Regularization field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_IDENTIFICACION_ENTREGA: Retrieves the Delivery Identification field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_REGULARI_DEDUC_EFECT: Retrieves the field Regularization Deducted. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
BAdI for mapping of outgoing invoices for the Canary Islands. This BAdi has default implementation and is used to calculate the new fields or new labels specific to the Canary Islands. The interface that implements this BAdI has the following methods:
- GET_DESGLOSE_NOEXENTO_CANARIAS: Map the breakdown (Canary Islands) for non-exempt invoices issued.
- GET_DATOS_INMUEBLES: It recovers the mapping of the data of the buildings of an issued invoice,
BAdI for Canary Islands mappings for customer specific issued invoices. This BAdI has no default implementation and its interface is formed by the following methods:
- GET_IMPORTRANSINMUEBLES: Recovers the AmountTransmissionReal Estate field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_EMITIDOS_POR_TERCEROS: Retrieves the field IssuedByThird Parties OR Recipient. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_FACTURACIONDIS_PADICIONAL: Retrieves the field Disp. Invoice Additional Third and sixth... This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but it is added to this BAdI in order to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
GET_FACTURASINIDEN: Retrieves the field Invoice Without Identif. Recipient Aritculo 6.1.d. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
BAdI for mappings of Canary Islands for received invoices. This BAdI has default implementation and is used to map the new fields and tag renames for the XML of the Canary Islands mapping. The interface that forms this BAdI contains the following method:
- GET_DESGLOSE_CANARIAS: Retrieves mapping for the breakdown (Canary Islands) for received invoices.
BAdI for Canary Islands mappings for customer specific incoming invoices. This BAdI has no default implementation and its interface is formed by the following method:
- GET_IMPORTE_RECTIFICATIVAS: Recovers the rectification amount block mapping. For the Canarian mapping of this block, the AEAT mapping is reused for the base fields and rectified quota. The third field of this block, rectified implicit tax burden, does not have a default mapping. If you want to map this optional field, you can implement this method.
BAdI for common mappings of different books. This BAdI has default implementation and is used to map XML fields common to several books. The interface that forms this BAdI contains the following methods:
- GET_AUTO_CONSUMO: Determines if an invoice from the Canary Islands is for self-consumption.
- RECUPERA_CONDICIONES_CREACION: Recovers the /EDGE/SII_CRE_CA line for the invoice to map.
- GET_REGIMEN_ESPECIAL: Determines the special regime for the Canary Islands.
- GET_INMOBILE_DATA: Determines the mapping for the block of real estate data for the additional real estate book. This method also determines whether an issued invoice has more than 15 cadastral references at the time of generating the eDocument to generate an eDocument of additional real estate.
- GET_DESCRIPTION_OPER: Recovers the mapping of the Operation Description field for the XML of the Canary Islands. The established mapping is the same as for the AEAT reusing the value obtained in the inheritance of the AEAT mapping. The only difference that exists in this mapping is that if the invoice is for the first semester, the description established for the ATC is different from that of the AEAT.
- GET_DATA_ARTICLE_25: Returns the mapping of the Article 25 Data block for issued and received invoices.
BAdI for generic mappings of client specific Canary Islands. This BAdI has no default implementation and its interface is formed by the following methods:
- GET_NUM_RESOLUTION_AUTHOR: Retrieves the Authorization Resolution Num field.
- GET_NUM_SERIE_FACTURA_EMI: Retrieves the Issuer Invoice Serial Number field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but it is added to this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_REF_EXTERNAL: Retrieves the external reference field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but it is added to this BAdI in order to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_FACTURA_SIMPLIFICADA_ARTI: Retrieves the field Simplified Invoice Articles 7.2 7.3. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_REGPREVIOGGGEEOREDEME: Retrieves the RegPrevioGGEEoREDEMEoCompetence field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
- GET_ENTIDAD_SUCEDIDA: Retrieves the field Entidad Sucedida. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but it is added to this BAdI in order to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
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