Enhancement Spot for ISU/FUCA Canarias

Enhancement Spot for ISU/FUCA Canarias

The enhancement spot /EDGE/SII_MAPEOS_ISU_CANARIAS consists of 5 BAdIs:

These BAdIs are used in the mapping classes of the Canary Islands for FI-CA and for the modification of eDocuments to be generated.


This BAdI does not have a default implementation, and can be used to change the eDocument creation criteria once the eDocuments to be generated are determined in a standard way for the FI-CA module.

The call to this BAdI is located in the creation BTEs (Include /EDGE/LSII_ISU_EVENTSF01, subroutine determines_edoc_fica), after call to the AEAT creation change BAdI:

This BAdI is formed by a unique method, CHANGE_CREACION whose output parameters are two tables. Each table determines the type of eDocument to be created for AEAT or ATC (Canary Islands Tax Agency). If it is considered necessary to change the standard operation of the product, you can implement this BAdI and change the determination of the type of eDocument to be created.


This BAdI has a default implementation and is in charge of determining the types of eDocuments to be generated when a company applies to the Canary Islands. The call to this BAdI is also located in the BTEs of creation (Include /EDGE/LSII_ISU_EVENTSF01, subroutine determines_edoc_fica), together with the access to the table /EDGE/SII_CRI_SD that determines the eDocuments to be created for the AEAT:

This BAdI is formed by a unique method, READ_CRE_CA that is in charge of recovering from both "cre ins" (/EDGE/SII_CRI_SD and /EDGE/SII_CRI_CA) the types of eDocuments to be generated for each agency when a company applies for shipments to the Canary Islands.

This BAdI can be implemented if the required operation is different from the one established in the product.


BAdI for mappings of outgoing invoices for the Canary Islands. This BAdi has default implementation and is used to calculate the new fields or modifications for the mapping of the Canary Islands for FI-CA. The interface that implements this BAdI has the following methods:

  • GET_DESGLOSE_NOEXENTO_CANARIAS: We recover breakdown (Canary Islands) for not exempt from FE.
  • GET_DESCRIPTION_OPER: Retrieves the operation description field.


BAdI for mapping the Canary Islands for customer-specific FI-CA outgoing invoices. This BAdI has no default implementation and its interface is formed by the following methods:

  • GET_IMPORTRANSINMUEBLES: Retrieves the AmountTransmissionReal Estate field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_EMITIDOS_POR_TERCEROS: Retrieves the field IssuedByThird Parties OR Recipient. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_FACTURACIONDIS_PADICIONAL: Retrieves the field Disp. Invoice Additional Third and sixth... This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but it is added to this BAdI in order to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_FACTURASINIDEN: Retrieves the InvoiceWithoutIdentifDestination fieldArticle6.1.d. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added to this BAdI in order to give a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_DATA_ARTICLE_25: Returns the block of article 2
  • GET_NUM_RESOLUTION_AUTHOR: Retrieves the Authorization Resolution Num field.
  • GET_REF_EXTERNAL: Retrieves the external reference field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_FACTURA_SIMPLIFICADA_ARTI: Retrieves the field FacturaSimplificadaArticulos7.2_7.3. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_REGPREVIOGGGEEOREDEME: Retrieves the RegPrevioGGEEoREDEMEoCompetence field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation
  • GET_ENTIDAD_SUCEDIDA: Retrieves the field Entidad Sucedida. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation
  • GET_NO_EXENTA_TYPE: Recovers the non-exempt type. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.


Badi for general mapping class FI-CA Canarias. This BAdI has no default implementation and its interface is formed by the following methods:

  • GET_NUM_SERIE_FACTURA_EMI: Retrieves the field Invoice Issuer Serial Number. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.
  • GET_INMOBILE_DATA: Retrieves the Real EstateData field. This field is not specific to the Canary Islands, but is added in this BAdI to give it a different implementation to the AEAT mapping implementation.

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