Hotfix fix total amount for FICA

Hotfix fix total amount for FICA

This part of the product is only installed if you have the FICA module installed in your system

A Hotfix is ​​released after version 1.8.0 of the b + dgtal SII for the calculation of the total amount in the invoices issued.

Development carried out in the method /EDGE/IF_SII_MAP_FE_FICA_11~DETERMINA_IMPORTE_TOTAL of the example class /EDGE/CL_SII_MAP_FE_FICA_11 within the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_SII_MAP_FE_SD_11


This Hotfix can be imported after installing version 1.8.0 or higher

Installable files:

  • Transport order OSDK905670: This order does not have custo content, so it only needs to be installed in a single client.

This file can be downloaded from the One Place download portal:


Avvale 2024