

In the “Alarms” folder, the alarms to be generated will be parameterized.

This parameterization must be carried out during the product implementation project as it is specific to each project.

The table is composite of the followings fields:

Id Alarm

Alarm description

Alarm Type

Product object


Recipient List

ID scaled list

Nº of scaled notifications

Nº Notif. Máximun

Body SAPScript

Time in hours

Active alarm

Id Alarm

Alarm description

Alarm Type

Product object


Recipient List

ID scaled list

Nº of scaled notifications

Nº Notif. Máximun

Body SAPScript

Time in hours

Active alarm

Alarm id

Description of the alarm.

This description will appear in the subject of the alarm notification.

If the product is to be used in another language, this entry must be translated for the notification to receive the translated text.

Type of alarm.

To choose between the types parameterized in the section Alarm types

Product object to be used by the alarm.

To choose between the types parameterized in the section Product objects

Channel to be used in the alarm.

To choose between those parameterized in the section Channels

List of recipients to be used in the alarm.

To choose from those parameterized in the section Recipient list

List of recipients to which notifications will be escalated when the alarm is scaled.

Number of notifications to be launched to scale the alarm.

Delimits the number of maximun notifications that will be sent.

If the field is empty, infinite numbers will be sent.

If the field is zero, no notifications will be sent.

SAPscript containing the text that will have the body of the notification. (*1)

Deadline in hours for sending notifications

Flag indicating whether the alarm is active or not.

(* 1) The SAPScript text will have to be created in transaction SO10 with the "Text Id" field ST and in the language that it has to be displayed. The name of the text that is created must be parameterized in this field so that the email shows the text created at this point as the body.

This SAPScript must be transported to the rest of environments. The RSTXTRAN report can be used for its transport.

For each parameterized alarm, three tables will have to be configured: "Alarm conditions", "Initial values", "Final values".

Alarm Conditions.

The table for alarm conditions will contain some generic condition that the alarm must meet. The fields in this table are:


Object differentiator field


Object differentiator value


Object differentiator field


Object differentiator value

Sequence of the condition

Field of the extraction table of the object that marks the condition

Condition option. Possible values ​​are:

EQ: Equal to
CP: Contains the model
LE: Less than or equal to
GE: Greater than or equal to
NE: Not the same as
NO: Does not contain the model
GT: Greater than
LT: Less than

Value of the fields that mark the alarm condition.

Initial values.

The initial values ​​table will be parameterized with the conditions that should trigger the alarm at the object and alarm level. The fields in this table are as follows:


Field name



Upper limit

Lower limit


Factory calendar


Field name



Upper limit

Lower limit


Factory calendar

Condition sequence

Name of the field that marks the alarm creation condition.

This field will self-report with the value of the parameterized field in the alarm object if the trigger is of type F, or with the value of the field of the corresponding table that is reported in the table field.

Table of the field that will trigger the alarm.


Condition option. Possible values ​​are:

EQ: Equal to CP: Contains the model LE: Less than or equal to GE: Greater than or equal to NE: Not the same as NP: Does not contain the model GT: Greater than LT: Less than BT: Between and NB: Do not enter and

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

(Initial) value of the parameterized field.

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

(Final) value of the parameterized field.

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

Parameterized (natural) days for the creation of expiry alarms.

Note: This field will remain hidden if the alarm is not expired.

SAP calendar to take into account expiration days for this type of alarms.

To configure calendars to use the SCAL transaction.

To see the available calendars:

From here you can modify or create calendars.

The standard calendar used in the product is "ES".

Ensure that the calendar is valid, otherwise it will not work.

Note: This field will remain hidden if the alarm is not expired.

For generic alarm types, the following considerations must be taken into account:

  • Expiration alarms: In the "Initial values" table, only a single entry should be indicated indicating the number of days (calendar) for the creation of the expiration alarm.

Final values.

The final values ​​table will be parameterized with the conditions that must be met to turn off the alarm. The fields in this table are as follows:


Field name



Lower limit

Upper limit


Field name



Lower limit

Upper limit

Condition sequence.

Name of the field that marks the alarm creation condition.

This field will self-report with the value of the parameterized field in the alarm object if the trigger is of type F, or with the value of the field of the corresponding table that is reported in the table field.

Table of the field that will trigger the alarm

Condition option. Possible values ​​are:

EQ: Equal to CP: Contains the model LE: Less than or equal to GE: Greater than or equal to NE: Not the same as NP: Does not contain the model GT: Greater than LT: Less than BT: Between and NB: Do not enter and

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

(Initial) value of the parameterized field.

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

(Final) value of the parameterized field.

This field will remain hidden if the alarm type is expiration.

Specific aspects of the different products that use alarms are detailed below:


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Avvale 2024