Alarms b+ TicketBAI

Alarms b+ TicketBAI

Esta parametrización deberá realizarse en proyecto ya que su configuración es específica del sistema y de los requerimientos del propio proyecto.

Currently, the product 'OSAT - b+ TicketBAI' only has the alarm type 'STATUS'.

To configure alarms, depending on the status of Osatu records in the TicketBAI monitor, an entry must be created in this table by selecting the type of alarm "STATUS" and the object of the product to which it applies, in this case "OSAT".

Entries may be included in the alarm conditions table to set conditions for records. For example, the company code, or any other field belonging to the object extraction table.

In this way, several status alarms can be created by setting in each of them an alarm condition, e.g. a specific company code.

In the table of initial values, the different states for which the alarm is to be triggered must be indicated. The states indicated in these entries will be the ones for which alarms are created.

In the final values table, all register states that will turn off the alarm shall be indicated.

The status of the record shall correspond to the Osatu status.












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Avvale 2024