Recipient list

Recipient list

In the table “Recipient List”, we have to parameterize the lists that are going to be used in the alarms that will be created. Only the created lists in this point can be used in the parameterization of the alarm itself.

These lists will return the list of users to whom the alarm notifications must reach.

This parameterization must be carried out during the product implementation project.

The table consist of the following fields:

Recipient list

ABAP class for recipient


Recipient list

ABAP class for recipient


Id of the recipient list

ABAP class that return the usr list.

If this field is reported the “Rol field” must not be reported.

Rol that return the user list.

If this field is reported, the field “ABAP class for recipient” must not be reported.

From product is offered an example class as help to reuse code if you want to parameterize an ABAP class in recipient list. This class is /EDGE/CL_AL_LISTA_DEST_EXAMPLE.

If a Z class is created, that class should inherit from interfaz /EDGE/IF_AL_LISTA_DESTINATARIO (as it does the example class /EDGE/CL_AL_LISTA_DEST_EXAMPLE).

Parameterization example:


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