Alarms b+ SILICIE

Alarms b+ SILICIE

This parameterization must be carried out in the project since its configuration is specific to the system and the requirements of the project itself.

This documentation page will explain possible examples of how to parameterize alarms for each type of triggers / alarms that are provided for the b + SILICIE product. It must be taken into account that this parameterization is provided from the product itself but that it can be adapted to the necessary criteria in each project.

Expiration alarms for seats.

To parameterize an alarm of this type, you will have to create an entry in this table and choose the type of alarm "EXPIRY" and product object "SEAT".

In the alarm conditions table you can include entries to set seat conditions. For example, the CAE of the seats, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / t_sl_901).

In this way, several expiration alarms can be created by setting an alarm condition in each one, for example a specific CAE. (In case it is necessary, for example, create several expiration alarms to send to different recipients depending on the CAE of the entries).

In the table of initial values, a single entry must be created indicating the days (calendar) that have to pass for a transaction (not sent) to trigger an expiration alarm.

In the table of final values, it will be necessary to indicate all the states that should not create expiration alarm, that is, final states of the entry. So, for these states, it will not create expiration alarms and if at some point they were created, when the seats reach these states, they will turn off. The different states for a seat can be consulted in the guide: Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie

Status alarms for seats.

To have status alarms for seats, an entry must be created in this table for the "STATUS" alarm type and "SEAT" product object.

In the alarm conditions table you can include entries to set seat conditions. For example, the CAE of the seats, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / t_sl_901).

In this way, several status alarms can be created by setting each of them an alarm condition, for example a specific CAE. (If necessary, for example, create several status alarms to send to different recipients depending on the CAE of the entries).

In the table of initial values, it will be necessary to indicate the different states for which the alarm is to be triggered.

In the table of final values, it will be necessary to indicate all the states of the seat that will turn off the alarm.

The different states can be consulted on the page: Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie

Status alarms for files.

In order to have status alarms for files, an entry must be created in this table for the "STATUS" alarm type and "FILE" product object.

In the table of alarm conditions, entries may be included to set file conditions. For example, the CAE of the files, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / fc_tb901 include from SILICIE).

In this way, several status alarms can be created by setting each of them an alarm condition, for example a specific CAE. (If it is necessary, for example, create several status alarms to send to different recipients depending on the CAE of the files).

In the table of initial values, it will be necessary to indicate the different states for which the alarm is to be triggered.

In the table of final values, it will be necessary to indicate all the states of the file that will turn off the alarm.

The different states can be consulted on the page: Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie

AEAT error alarms for seats

In order to have AEAT error alarms for transactions, an entry must be created in this table for the "ERRORES_AEAT" alarm type and "SEAT" product object.

In the alarm conditions table you can include entries to set seat conditions. For example, the CAE of the seats, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / t_sl_901).

In this way, several AEAT error alarms can be created by setting an alarm condition in each one, for example a specific CAE. (If necessary, for example, create several alarms of this type to send to different recipients depending on the CAE of the files).

In the table of initial values, you must indicate the different states for which you want to trigger the alarm and the error codes for which you want to create the alarm.


The table of AEAT error codes related to entries is / EDGE / T_SL_905, so this database table must be indicated in the table field together with the ERROR_CODE table field.

All available error codes can be found in the database table / EDGE / TC_SL_003.

In the table of final values, it will be necessary to indicate all the states of the seat that will turn off the alarm.

The different states of the entries can be consulted on the page: Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie

AEAT error alarms for files.

In order to have AEAT error alarms for files, an entry must be created in this table for the "ERRORES_AEAT" alarm type and "FILE" product object.

In the table of alarm conditions, entries may be included to set file conditions. For example, the CAE of the files, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / fc_tb901 include from SILICIE).

In this way, several AEAT error alarms can be created by setting an alarm condition in each one, for example a specific CAE. (If necessary, for example, create several alarms of this type to send to different recipients depending on the CAE of the files).

In the table of initial values, you must indicate the different states for which you want to trigger the alarm and the error codes for which you want to create the alarm.


The table of the AEAT error codes related to the files is / EDGE / T_SL_905, so in the table field you must indicate this database table together with the field of the ERROR_CODE table.

All available error codes can be found in the database table / EDGE / TC_SL_003.

In the table of final values, it will be necessary to indicate all the states of the seat that will turn off the alarm.

The different states of the files can be viewed on the page: Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie Procesos b+dgtal Compliance Silicie

Material inventory error alarms.

To have material inventory alarms, an entry must be created in this table for the alarm type "INVENTORY" and product object "MATERIAL".

In the table of alarm conditions, entries can be included to set conditions of the alarm itself. For example, the EAC of the materials, or any other field that belongs to the object's extraction table (/ edge / tm_sl_mat).

In this way, several alarms of this type can be created by setting an alarm condition in each of them, for example a specific CAE. (In case it is necessary, for example, create several alarms of this type to send to different recipients depending on the EAC of the materials).

In the table of initial values, the table / EDGE / T_SL_901 must be indicated with the quantity field, indicating the conditions to trigger the alarm (quantity less than 0).


In the table of final values, the condition must be indicated for the alarm to turn off. In this case it will be that the amount is greater than or equal to zero.



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