Technical parameterization guide

Technical parameterization guide

The parameterization of this product is on the cluster view “EDGE/ALARMCV00”. In the next line are more explanations about details of some different tables and fields that are part of this view for a better use of this product.

First go to SE54 transaction to edit this view.

Press the buttom Edit View Cluster.

Then introduce the view name: vista cluster /EDGE/ALARMCV00 and finally click on Test.


The parameterization of the next issues that will be explain in this section. Should not be modified or removed from proyect customization.

In this section the online parameterization will be explain in the next points:

The other tables of this view will be explain in the next section https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAE/pages/1207763026

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