5. Certificate management

5. Certificate management

For the configuration of the b+ Secure Keystore it is necessary to create a specific user and add a Role provided by Techedge.

All the following information also concerning the b+ Certificate Manager can also be found on the Techedge wiki, at the following path:


To create the user we will go to the following path: http://<hostname>:5<instance>00/nwa

We create the user TBAICERT* assigning it the role "en.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert "**.

*NOTE: To create the TBAICERT user, follow the procedure in point 12 of the manual.


**NOTE: The Role "en.realtech.pi.rol.creden.firma.AdminCert" can be downloaded in the Client Area, in the Installations section, located in the path:


Once this first step has been taken, this user will be able to access the certificate management application and work with it.

5.1 Certificates access

5.2 Certificates search/management.

5.3 Certificate registration.

5.4 Registration of b+ certificates in property files

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