5.2 Certificates search/management.
By accessing the "Search" option, you will be able to see the certificates that the system has registered:
For each of them, a number of fields are available to provide information:
Alias: The alias of the certificate in the application.
Active: Indicates whether the certificate is active or not.
Version: The version of the certificate in the application.
Alias certificate: The alias of the certificate. Obtained automatically on upload.
SubjectDN: Obtained automatically on upload.
ThumbPrint: The ThumbPrint of the certificate. Obtained automatically in the upload.
Valid From and Valid To: The validity of the certificate. Obtained automatically in the upload.
MailGroup: Mail to be informed in the registration. When creating the certificate, the e-mail of the contact person responsible for the certificate can be entered in this field. This is useful, for example, to contact in case of approaching expiry date.
A series of buttons are available that allow:
See detail: View certificate detail.
Update: Update table data.
Delete Logical: Deactivate a certificate.
Delete: Delete certificate from the DB.
Logical Delete All: Deactivate all certificates.
Delete All: Delete all certificates from the DB.
Activate Certificate.
Avvale 2024