B + LROE monitor extensions
Added a series of extension points for the b + LROE monitor.
These expansion points are found in the different includes:
/EDGE/RP_TB_LROE_MONITOR_TOP ā This extension point will be used to add more global variables to the report if necessary.
/EDGE/RP_TB_LROE_MONITOR_SEL ā These extension points will be used to add new selection fields in the different blocks.
/EDGE/RP_TB_LROE_MONITOR_F01 ā It will be used to change the query for both annotations and report files (for example, when adding a new selection field, this would cause the query to be changed so that this new field would be in the search filter).
File search extension point.
Form f_mode_select_batches_lroe:
Annotations search extension point.
Form f_mode_select_records_lroe:
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