3.5.1. Overview
b+ SII Addon for Redhat FUSE is one of the components within the b+ suite that carries out the communication process with the AEAT. Within the product suite there are various components with complete functionalities for extracting VAT data from invoices, communication with AEAT, error handling, alarms. This manual is intended for those customers who have selected the RedHat Fuse middleware option in On-Premise mode.
This is the client manual, which describes operations that can be performed on a previously configured Fuse installation. It mainly concerns changes that can be made to the PostgreSQL database that Fuse uses.
If it is desired to generate a user with a new password, it will be necessary to use PBKDF2Generator.jar (should have been sent with this manual) to encrypt the password before entering them into the database.
In order to be able to connect you remotely, we need to have the following programs:
- PUTTY or anothe SSH Client
Necessary to connect to the machine. From the session in PuTTY will execute the script to alter the database.
- WinSCP
Using WinSCP you can transfer a completed script or other files from the machine being used to the remote machine.
It is also possible to create and edit the script directly on the remote machine from PuTTY, so the use of WinSCP is not strictly necessary.
Includes the following sections:
Section 2: How to Edit the Database in FUSE: This section describes how to make changes to the database on a Fuse machine.
Section 3: Connecting to the machine by SSH: This section explains how to connect to a machine via ssh protocol, transfer the script and run it on the machine either for the gateway or Fuse case.
Section 4: Uploading a new certificate: In this section we will check the proper operation of the certificate management service and show how to upload a new certificate.
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